
Setting up Resolve for QI flows

COO Quine AS
February 4, 2022

Prepare a burn-in preset in Resolve

(You can skip this step, if you don’t want burn-in in your files)

Open an empty Resolve project In the «Media» page, add a video file to your project.

Go to the «Edit» page

Right-click on your clip and create new timeline

Open your timeline. From the workspace menu - select data-burn-in

In the burn in editor, select and position and scale your burn-in

Burn-ins selected, before positioning and scaling

Burn-ins selected, after positioning and scaling

Finally, save your new burn-in preset

Set up Ql transcode with Resolve

Go to the «deliver» page

Select the «Custom» preset

In the «Video» tab:

  • Set your render to «Individual Clips»
  • Set your render-codec
  • Scroll down to «Advanced» options

In the «Video» tab «Advanced Settings»:

  • Click the triangle to open settings
  • Select your burn-in preset

In the «Audio» tab:

  • Set your audio codec. For editorials, normally PCM, for web-files, normally AAC
  • Set «Channels» to «Same as source» for editorials.
  • Set bit-deppth
  • We often choose to re-render audio instead of «copy», to avoid issues in the edit software This preset should handle everything from expensive film-cameras to cheap cameras recording .mts

In the «File» tab:

  • Do NOT set any output in the Source tab.
  • QI handles that Set Filename to «Source name»

Give your preset a name that QI can use

  • Open the «Save dialogue» by clicking the three dots
  • Choose: «Save As New Preset»

Give your preset a name that Ql can use

  • Write in a name
  • Remember: You can have multiple Resolve render-presets assigned to different workflows in QI. To link a Ql render preset to a Resolve workflow, the name needs to be identical

Select the right Resolve preset in QI

Assign a Resolve preset to a QI Transcode preset

  • Open QI and log into your project Select «Project»
  • and then «Transcode Presets»

Assign a Resolve preset to a QI Transcode preset

  • The list of transcode presets open
Advanced lecture/Warning

The name of the transcode preset becomes the output-file's «Purpose» The «Purpose» of a file, decides how the output file is treated after rendering, like Should this file be uploaded and shared? Should this file get a preview file in the webUl? Ql comes with default settings for «atom» and «EDIT-PROXY» files. If you give the new preset some other name, like «Daily», you will need to set up the automation for this new «Purpose». You will get your files rendered, but maybe not the automation you expect. Until you feel comfortable with the «purpose» setups, we strongly recommend that you EDIT an existing preset, rather than creating a new one.

Assign a Resolve preset to a QI Transcode preset

  • Select the preset to edit
  • Go to the «Actions» button
  • Select «Edit transcode preset»
  • Select the «Resolve Transcode»
  • Type the EXACT same name as you assigned to the render output in Resolve
  • Sect «Project»
  • Select «Workflow editor»
  • In the Workflow editor, select «Actions»
  • Choose «Create new» or «Edit Existing» (We will choose «Create New»)
If you have NOT created a new «Purpose» in the Transcode editor, your new Resolve transcode should work «as expected» in your existing workflows. The tutorial could stop here. There are a couple of things to remember when creating a «new» workflow.

Assign transcode preset to a new workflow in QI

Assign a QI transcode preset to a QI workflow

  • To start building a new workflow, you must pick a «Template workflow»
  • For this example pick «NewDataTemplate»

The «Template Workflows»

Existing Data Template:

This the workflow to start with when you want process files that are already in your project-folder. Typical for watch folders or when you want to re-process already processed files.

Handoff Template

This is when you want to set up multiple steps of processing. Then a workflow can do an initial process with the files and then «hand the files off» to a secondary process, even on a different computer. Handoff workflows can also «hand the files» off to a new handoff workflow


For QI Application use only

New Data Template

For all workflows where QI is used to copy and verify new files into the project structure


For QI Application use only

Creating a new QI workflow

  • Metadata extraction

Use Ingest date

This setting controls the date-handling when ingesting script-report xml's or csv's from MovieSlate or Set Report Obviously QI reads the date in the report, but dates can be wrong on the reports or in the cameras, and this setting lets you override the date in the report with a date of your choice, and still match your files

Creating a new QI workflow

  • Transcoder


The default setting here is empty. Not all files and workflows involve transcode. To make a workflow transcode you have to:

  • «Add new» to select «what files to send to the transcoders»
  • Normally you don't want to throw «all files» at the transcoders. In this example I have limited the files to be sent to transcoding to «Camera Originals»
  • You have to decide where the transcoded files will be stored in your project structure. The default setting is for «EDIT-PROXY» files. If you are transcoding something else, like .mp4 for preview or EXRs for VFX, you must add the correct output path
  • Finally you have to select the Transcode «Preset»

NB: The «path» doesn't follow the preset, but the workflow
NB: The name of the preset, becomes the output files «Purpose»